Even though we're in one of the strongest seller's markets in decades, an experienced, serious real estate professional with well designed marketing strategies, can make a significant impact on the sales price of a listing. The four critical steps that must be followed to insure a successful sale include; preparing the house for listing, high quality photography, appropriate pricing, and effective promotion of the listing to insure that all the best prospects know about the listing before it hits the market. Listing Strategies 2023 offers insights into the marketing strategies developed by the Mike and Hayden through the years while helping more than a thousand clients sell their homes at the highest possible price.

Effective marketing that reaches and engages with your listing's best prospects is crucial to selling at the highest price.

In this strong sellers market, even poorly marketed listings are selling quickly. Just because a listing sells quickly doesn't necessarily mean it sold for the highest possible price. To do that, still requires effective marketing that reaches the best prospects and gets them excited about scheduling a showing. Well conceived and carefully executed marketing strategies offer the best opportunity to yield multiple offers. And when buyers compete for your listing, you are much more likely to get the sales price you rightfully deserve. 

The following are the four basic steps the father and son team of Mike and Hayden follow to…

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3200 Sawyer Trail. Under contract for significantly more than list price!

Homes for sale in Ross Bridge are clearly in high demand- especially for the reasonably priced listings in the Sawyer Trail neighborhood. This charming modern farmhouse style home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths hit the market this past Saturday with 15 showings! By Saturday night our sellers had received several very attractive offers. After consulting with Hayden about the offers, the sellers made their choice. Their house was under contract in less than a day! Several factors contributed to the successful marketing of Chris and Christin's beautiful home. First, Sawyer Trail is a fun, walkable neighborhood featuring a clubhouse and pool. Second, their one-level home has wonderful…

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Under Contract with Multiple Offers! The Vestavia market is continues to strengthen.

3233 Tyrol Road, in the popular Derby Downs neighborhood of Vestavia Hills, was shown over 30 times the first weekend it was on the market. Our seller received 8 offers! All but one of the offers was for more than the list price. Several offers were well over asking. We believe several factors contributed to this listings strong showing in the market. First, our seller was willing to follow our recommendations and make several modest improvements to insure the home would be well received by prospective buyers. Second, we were careful to price the home at a level that would attract the listings best prospects. And finally, it's a great house! It's situated on a great…

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3740 Crossings Crest received multiple offers and sold for $20,000 over asking price!
Maybe you've heard someone bragging that they sold their home "without ever putting it on the market." Some agents like to talk about their "off-market" listings. At first, that might sound impressive. The truth- it's almost always one of the worst mistakes a seller can make. Sellers are enjoying one of the strongest real estate markets in modern times. Inventory is at historic lows and demand is very high. That's why desperate buyers are putting letters in prospective sellers' mailboxes. They're hoping for the chance to buy a house before it hits the market and avoid competing with other buyers. Crafty strategy for buyers- not so good for sellers. If you're…

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