If your search for the perfect house depends on being in a certain school zone, we've got you covered! The following is a step by step guide on how to search for listings that are zoned for a particular school.
Step 1. Here's a screenshot of our home page at www.FindThePerfectHouse.com. To start your search, click the navigation link at the top of the home page that says "SEARCH HOMES."
Step 2. You'll see a box open and you'll want to click on the link that says, "FIND THE PERFECT HOUSE."
Step 3. Next you'll want to click the green button that says, "Filters."
Step 4. You can search by Elementary School or by High School. Just type in the name of the school you prefer. In this example, we're searching for homes zoned for Dolly Ridge Elementary in Vestavia. Step 5. Click on the black box that says, "VIEW 21 RESULTS."
Step 6. Looking on the map to the right, you can see that there are currently 21 houses for sale in Vestavia that are zoned for Vestavia East Elementary. Another pretty cool feature- If you like, you can zoom in (click the + sign in the bottom right corner of the map a couple of times) and actually see where the houses are located on the map.
Step 7. Now you can scroll through the houses on the left and get detailed info and photos. Alternatively, you can search using the map on the right. Just click on the circles with numbers (clusters of homes) or on the price tags (individual homes).
This is just one of the really efficient ways you can search for homes using www.FindThePerfectHouse.com. We'll share more searches in upcoming posts. Of course, you're welcome to call or email us whenever you have questions. You can reach Hayden by cell at 205-919-5535, or by email at hwald@realtysouth.com. You can reach me at 205-541-0940, or by email at mwald@realtysouth.com.
Posted by Mike Wald on
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