Marketing Case Study: 3554 Altadena Park Lane
Our clients wanted to list for $750,000. Their goal was to price the home at an attractive level in order to hasten a quick sale. They knew they wouldn't survive a couple of months of keeping the house ready for showings and piling all five kids into the car every time someone wanted to see the house. Soon after we initiated our "coming soon" marketing campaign with posts on various Facebook pages, paid ads online, etc., we realized from the overwhelming response from potential buyers that we needed to encourage our clients to list at $799,000 and they agreed. The marketing effort started on a Tuesday evening. We posted four of the best photos of the listing on social media along with a brief description of the house. We also included a link for prospects to follow to see more pictures of the house. Using Google Analytics, we tracked how many people followed the links from each of the various online posts to our website to view the photos. Within 24 hours, over 1,000 prospects visited our website to see the photos. That's a huge response for an $800,000 listing! When the listing went active the following Saturday, there were 14 showings and there were 8 on Sunday. By Tuesday, we had four offers. All the offers were in excess of the asking price and the highest offer was $831,000. Powerful marketing attracts more buyers. The more buyers you have, the better your chances for competition and that's absolutely the best way to be sure you're selling at the highest possible price.
Posted by Mike Wald on
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