Our clients Dan and Susan Barham love their home in Thornhill, but Dan's career is taking the family to Tampa, Florida. While they're excited about the prospect of living close to the beach, selling their home in Vestavia is their first priority. In order to have a successful sale we needed to develop a coordinated plan including; preparing the house for sale, painting several rooms in the house, having the house photographed, the Coming Soon marketing effort, showings, a Sunday Open House, negotiating the contract, negotiating the repair request, holding an estate sale, arranging for pickup of donation items, and finally loading the moving trucks. For the first step our stager/designer met with Dan and Susan to determine which pieces of furniture needed to be moved or removed from each room in the house in order to make the rooms look their best in the marketing photos. They also offered their advice about which rooms needed to be painted and suggested colors. The items that were removed from each room were placed in three sections in the garage. One group for items going to Florida, one for items the Barham's planned to sell at the estate sale, and the third group was for donation items. While it took a little longer to keep the items separate when moving them to sections of the garage, overall the process of planning ahead was a huge timesaver. It also made the weeks just before moving much less stressful. Once we we had a game plan for each room, our stager/designer moved the furniture to the middle of each room that was to be painted. After painting, everything was put back in place so the house could be professionally photographed, and I took the sunset photos of the front of the house. Then, we started the Coming Soon marketing effort on social media. We wanted to be sure that every prospective buyer for the listing had a favorable opinion about the house before it hit the market. We had excellent showing activity and great attendance at the Open House. Within days we were under contract at a price that made Dan and Susan happy. Once the inspection process was completed, we scheduled an estate sell and the movers. There were a lot of moving parts, but everything came together nicely. The Barham's were very happy with our efforts on their behalf and that's what it's all about. Dan wrote this very nice testimonial-
As an individual raised in a home where both parents were real estate brokers, I can confidently say in every best possible way Mike Wald & Hayden Wald standout among colleagues in their field - today's field. They're innovative, strategic, and providers of top-notch customer service all wrapped up with integrity and tied with a bow made entirely of genuine honesty.
Oh, let's not forget they utilize their professional gifts & graces to bring good Buyers and good Sellers together such that everyone leaves the Closing Table feeling great.
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